Sunday, 8 February 2015

OOTD | Sass Master Jacket

lunar look sass master faux fur jacket
Faux Fur Jacket - MeeMee | Jeans - Celeb Look* | Knee High Boots - Clarks

I guess I'm trying to subconsciously 'up' my sassitude game because I just can't seem to get enough of it lately! 
Last week was all about this sassy hairstyle, this week it's all about this fierce fur number which is the ultimate staple in my winter wardrobe - super cosy, warm and not to mention stylish - who could really complain? 

I've opted for everyone's favourite monochromatic vibes and have paired the jacket with my new leather over-the-knee boots that I'm actually pleasantly surprised with! (Who knew Clarks had such practical AND fashionable footwear?) The only thing I feel would top this outfit off would be a lovely white wonderland sitting in the background; if only I'd shot these photos a few days later...

lunar look faux fur jacket boots
lunar look faux fur jacket boots
lunar look faux fur jacket boots
lunar look faux fur jacket boots

What do you think of my sassy faux-fur look?


  1. OMG that coat is amazing!!!!! Time and time again I have tried to pull them off but I just can't. but you so can xxx

    Blonde Of Carbs

  2. Lovely coat!!! I love the boots too Xx

  3. that's such a cute jacket! i adore it

    from helen at

    ps. you can win £70 worth of missguided vouchers on my blog, click here!

  4. Not to sound creepy or anything, but i think you're really pretty! I love your look, its so special and model esque! Also, awesome jacket :)

    X, Carina
    Running White Horses | Fashion + Travel

  5. This jacket is bloody amazing!!!!


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